Subscription can be upgraded or downgraded in the customer portal
Merged in a post:
Make upgrading more attractive
Fairy tale Swift
It would be nice/useful to be able to promote the upgrades a bit more in the Huddle membership and customer portal with automatic access to the appropriate extra (bonus) access levels and possibly a discount that we can set manually as an administrator.
If a member now upgrades the customer portal, he/she will not automatically have access to the additional huddle access levels that come with it.
AND I want to be able to manually indicate a discount that people get if they've been a monthly member for more than a year, for example, that it will be more attractive to upgrade.
Merged in a post:
Up/Downgrade various subscriptions
Heliotrope purple Coral
I want my customers to not only be able to cancel their subscriptions in the customer portal, but also to switch between the different products that I sell as subscriptions